Sunday, November 8, 2015

I've Been Very, Very Bad!

I am so ashamed! I haven't posted anything on this blog in ages. What's the sense in having a blog if you don't say something once in a while. But it's been years and feel the need to plop a few words onto the page. The inspiration for this sudden urge to write comes from my daughter. She's recently started a blog on her battles with mental health issues and other things of interest in her life. And she's one of the laziest people I know! So if she can make near daily contributions to a blog, by Jebus, so can I.  Thanks for the kick in the ass kiddo!

This is so annoying! While munching on  bagel this morning I felt a hard lump in my mouth. I knew instantly what it was - a tooth! Actually, it is just a cap from a tooth. The good news is that I didn't swallow it but spit it out into my hand. A quick inspection in the bathroom mirror identified the former location of the cap. Luckily it's off to the side a bit and not too glaringly obvious. I don't want to look like some gap-toothed hillbilly that can eat a cob of corn through a picket fence! Now I have to eat gingerly on the other side of my mouth until I can make an appointment with my friendly dentist, Dr. Matti, and get this thing back where it belongs. But it's not as bad as the time I cleaved a molar in two while eating pizza. That was not only annoying but painful as it exposed a raw nerve. But, it is still annoying.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry for your's always hard loosing a part of yourself....the good part is you can blog again after your visit to matti
